Wenzhe Zhai

    Wenzhe Zhai

Wenzhe Zhai is a first year Ph.D. student in College of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, supervised by Prof. Xianglei Xing. Previously, he received the M.S. degree form Shandong University of Technology in 2023, supervised by Prof. Mingliang Gao. His research interests include computer vision and deep learning, particularly focusing on object counting.

Email: wenzhezhai AT outlook.com
  1. Multi-view gait recognition with joint local multi-scale and global contextual spatio-temporal features
    Wenzhe Zhai, Haomiao Li, Chaoqun Zheng, Xianglei Xing
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, October 2024, IF=8.3, CCF-B
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  2. Scale-Context Perceptive Network for Crowd Counting and Localization in Smart City System
    Wenzhe Zhai, Mingliang Gao, Xiangyu Guo, Qilei Li
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, April 2023, IF=10.6
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  3. Region-Aware Quantum Network for Crowd Counting
    Wenzhe Zhai, Xianglei Xing, Gwanggil Jeon
    IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, March 2024
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  4. FPANet: feature pyramid attention network for crowd counting
    Wenzhe Zhai, Mingliang Gao, Qilei Li, Gwanggil Jeon, Marco Anisetti
    Applied Intelligence, February 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  5. Scale Attentive Aggregation Network for Crowd Counting and Localization in Smart City
    Wenzhe Zhai, Mingliang Gao, Xiangyu Guo, Guofeng Zou, Qilei Li, Gwanggil Jeon
    ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, March 2024, CCF-B
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  6. An attentive hierarchy ConvNet for crowd counting in smart city
    Wenzhe Zhai, Mingliang Gao, Alireza Souri, Qilei Li, Xiangyu Guo, Jianrun Shang, Guofeng Zou
    Cluster Computing, April 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  7. DA2Net: a dual attention-aware network for robust crowd counting
    Wenzhe Zhai, Qilei Li, Ying Zhou, Xuesong Li, Jinfeng Pan, Guofeng Zou, Mingliang Gao
    Multimedia Systems, October 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  8. Group-split attention network for crowd counting
    Wenzhe Zhai, Mingliang Gao, Marco Anisetti, Qilei Li, Seunggil Jeon, Jinfeng Pan
    Journal of Electronic Imaging, July 2022
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  9. CT and MRI Image Fusion via Dual-branch GAN
    Wenzhe Zhai, Wenhao Song, Jinyong Chen, Guisheng Zhang, QileiLi, Mingliang Gao
    International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, June 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  10. Multiscale aggregation and illumination‐aware attention network for infrared and visible image fusion
    Wenhao Song, Wenzhe Zhai, Mingliang Gao, Qilei Li, Abdellah Chehri, Gwanggil Jeon
    Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, April 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  11. Spatial-frequency attention network for crowd counting
    Xiangyu Guo, Mingliang Gao, Wenzhe Zhai, Jianrun Shang, Qilei Li
    Big data, October 2022
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  12. Scale region recognition network for object counting in intelligent transportation system
    Xiangyu Guo, Mingliang Gao, Wenzhe Zhai, Qilei Li, Gwanggil Jeon
    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, July 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  13. Dense Attention Fusion Network for Object Counting in IoT System
    Xiangyu Guo, Mingliang Gao, Wenzhe Zhai, Qilei Li, Kyu Hyung Kim, Gwanggil Jeon
    Mobile Networks and Applications, January 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  14. Multiscale aggregation network via smooth inverse map for crowd counting
    Xiangyu Guo, Mingliang Gao, Wenzhe Zhai, Qilei Li, Jinfeng Pan, Guofeng Zou
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, August 2022
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  15. SaReGAN: a salient regional generative adversarial network for visible and infrared image fusion
    Mingliang Gao, Yi’nan Zhou, Wenzhe Zhai, Shuai Zeng, Qilei Li
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, January 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  16. Crowd counting in smart city via lightweight Ghost Attention Pyramid Network
    Xiangyu Guo, Kai Song, Mingliang Gao, Wenzhe Zhai, Qilei Li, Gwanggil Jeon
    Future Generation Computer Systems, October 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  17. Defending Deepfakes by Saliency-Aware Attack
    Qilei Li, Mingliang Gao, Guisheng Zhang, Wenzhe Zhai
    IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, May 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  18. A comprehensive analysis for crowd counting methodologies and algorithms in Internet of Things
    Mingliang Gao, Alireza Souri, Mayram Zaker, Wenzhe Zhai, Xiangyu Guo, Qilei Li
    Cluster Computing, March 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  19. Object Counting in Remote Sensing via Selective Spatial-frequency Pyramid Network
    Jinyong Chen, Mingliang Gao, Xiangyu Guo, Wenzhe Zhai, Qilei Li, Gwanggil Jeon
    Software-Practice and Experience, November 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  20. Towards Multimodal Disinformation Detection by Vision-language Knowledge Interaction
    Qilei Li, Mingliang Gao, Guisheng Zhang, Wenzhe Zhai, Jinyong Chen, Gwanggil Jeon
    Information Fusion, February 2024, IF=18.6
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  21. Disrupting Deepfakes via Union-Saliency Adversarial Attack
    Guisheng Zhang, Mingliang Gao, Qilei Li, Wenzhe Zhai, Guofeng Zou, Gwanggil Jeon
    IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, November 2023
    [ PDF ] [ Link ]
  22. Asymmetric metric learning approachbased on distribution constraints for unsupervised person re-identification
    Yue Liu, Guofeng Zou, Guizhen Chen, Wenzhe Zhai, Mingliang Gao
    Control and Decision, April 2022
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